Chapter Political Action Committee

Supporting Tennessee's Construction Future Through Nonpartisan Advocacy

Uniting Voices, Influencing Leaders

Shaping Tennessee's Construction Future

The ABC Greater Tennessee Chapter Political Action Committee (PAC) is in place to gain nonpartisan relationships with future statewide and local elected officials to further the interests of the construction industry in Tennessee.


The vision of ABC Greater Tennessee Political Action Committee (PAC) is to unite our membership and our supporters under one umbrella and speak with one voice regarding the importance of ensuring that Tennessee’s publicly elected officials support our industry’s goals and needs for the future.


The purpose of ABC Greater Tennessee PAC is to provide a forum for the broader ABC community to advocate its support for our industry’s goals. It needs funding assistance for statewide candidates and broader public affairs outreach to leadership.

ABC Greater Tennessee Chapter Political Action Committee
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Tenessee Political Action Committee
Secure a Stronger Future for Tennessee

Why the ABC Greater Tennessee PAC is Essential

The Tennessee construction industry has an enduring stake in the state’s political system, since much of our policy needs are tied to actions taken by public elected officials. This PAC will provide a power vehicle for our industry association to engage collectively, and speak with one voice regarding the needs and goals of our membership. Through the ABC Greater Tennessee PAC, our membership, which donates to the PAC receives a long-term return on investment because we will be shaping an agenda that will advance our industry for years to come.


Notes: Contributions to ABC- Greater Tennessee PAC in excess of $100 are allowed. ABC- Greater Tennessee PAC must report any individual contribution in excess of $100, including contributor’s name and address. As of June 1, 2011, corporations are allowed to make contributions to Tennessee PACs. The amount of contribution the corporation may make to a PAC is unlimited. If you use a corporate credit card to pay for a contribution to ABC- Greater Tennessee PAC, the corporation will receive the receipt, and any contribution exceeding $100 will be reported to the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance in the name of the corporation. If you want the contribution receipted (and reported, if greater than $100) in your name, you must use a personal credit card to pay for the contribution.

Contributions or gifts to ABC- Greater Tennessee PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal Income Tax purposes.